Sunday, June 17, 2018

Accelerating Learning

Accelerating Learning

In out team meeting Monday 18 June - we read and discussed - "Learning in the fast lane," by Suzy Pepper Rollins, Chapter 1
Background Suzy is American and schooling in America Historically has been heavily streamed with an emphasis on Remediation. Acceleration in this reading is being taught to groups of students who have been identified as able to benefit from acceleration - They are taught by a teacher focused on acceleration. It is extra - Acceleration focuses on keeping the acceleration group a session or two ahead of their peers in the core class.

We discussed this reading in light of our current practise with a focus on target students in Math.


The key message is to Accelerate the students rather than trying to fill every knowledge gap a child has. This is remediation and historically a pattern has emerged where the gaps between the remediation classes and other classes widens every year.
Vocabulary development is critical

Remediation - Thinking that a student needs to go back and the teacher tries to fill in all the missing pieces. Focuses on mastering concepts of the past.

The key to acceleration is to ensure that the students have the key background knowledge to enable them to grasp the new information quickly and well. 
Introduce new vocabulary and revise previously taught critical vocab
Focuses on preparing students for success in the present e.g. this week what do my students need to know so they can grasp fractions quickly? The knowledge needed to master the learning (gaps from the past) are addressed in the context of future learning. Only the most pivotal knowledge needed is addressed. 

Teacher needs to id key prior knowledge and teach it so the students have something to connect the new learning to. The key skills are very thoughtfully selected and applied right away with the new content they are never taught in isolation.

Acceleration provides an opportunity of struggling students to make a fresh start each week and to learn with more successful peers.

Acceleration is focussed on a group of students
They are taught key vocab and knowledge before other students ar eintroduced to the concept.
Purpose is to ensure the scceleration group
Understands the real world relevance of concept
Has the critical vocabulary, can read and say these words
They have the new skills needed to master the concept
They understand the big picture of the learning - see the journey

Self-confidence and engagement increase.
Academic progress is evident.
Students perceive they're in the "slow class," and self-confidence and engagement decrease.
Backward movement leads to a sense of futility and lack of progress.
Basic skills
Skills are hand-picked just in time for new concepts.
Students apply skills immediately.
Instruction attempts to reteach every missing skill.
Skills are taught in isolation and not applied to current learning.
Prior knowledge
Key prior knowledge is provided ahead of time, enabling students to connect to new information.Typically does not introduce prior knowledge that connects to new learning.
Treats relevance as critical component to student motivation and memory.Relevance is not seen as a priority.
Connection to core class
Instruction is connected to core class; ongoing collaboration is emphasized.Instruction is typically isolated from core class.
Pacing and direction
Active, fast-paced, hands-on.
Forward movement; goal is for students to learn on time with peers.
Passive, with focus on worksheets or basic software programs.
Backward movement; goal is for students to "catch up" to peers.

My understandings of acceleration

It is focused on teaching a struggling student/s what is essential to enable them to be successful at their age appropriate curriculum level
Acceleration is carefully planned
Taught prior to introducing concepts to whole class
purposeful and gives students the big picture

What now for my Target Group

I need to put more thought into exactly what vocab, concepts, skills I need to teach them before introducing the concept to the class.

Think about how I could expand my target group to become an acceleration group.
Look at how I can shift my math teaching so I am planning further ahead? To enable prior teaching

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