Sunday, February 25, 2018

Class Whakatauki

26 February 2018

Shared this Whakatauki with the class and we discussed what it means.
I shared my goal with them- To be able to say this Whakatauki without looking.
Then I self evaluate my goal and peer checked it with them. This is helping to reinforce that we are all learning and working towards achieving.

Braxton suggested that we display it with our Class Treaty - This has been done.

I have altered the translation to We work together and C A R E for everyone.
I am not sure if this is O.K. -so I do need to check this out

Next Step for the children to say what this means to them
I think this means....

Plant Inquiry/Wonderings

Extension Reading group

This is a group of 2 pupils who are reading at level 22.
They have been working on comprehension of factual texts and making links to the wider world as from observations during reading this appeared to be an area of need.

Both children showed interest in the text Growth and were asking a lot of questions. They also had some misconceptions regarding plants and seeds.

Both children have drawn what they know about plants and what they would like to find out or investigate or what they are wondering. I scaffold them in this task by asking questions to prompt further thinking, e.g. can you tell me some more about ....,

next step children used the question rubric to ask each other questions
making a note of questions they were not sure of or wondered more about.

rank questions to investigate first and brainstorm ideas.

Meet The Teacher Information Evening

Meet the Teacher Parent Information Evening Week Three of Term 1

Jo and I worked together to develop a presentation to show to the parents. This included information about a typical day and what it looked like, our school values, as well as information about how parents could support their child's learning at home.
Link to our google slide presentation

We also explained how we would be using the seesaw app this year to communicate maths home work.

This presentation was loaded onto the school website so parents could view it again or those who were unable to attend could access the information.

Evaluation  Term 2 from parent feed back and queries throughout Term 1

In response to several inquires from parents during term one I realized we had not clearly communicated the homework aspect of the basic facts ladders. Parents were also confused that when the child loaded their next step onto seesaw that the child needed to work on this at home.

In response to this need I loaded more information on to seesaw for the parents.

Next year we need to place more emphasis on the basic facts ladders and the fact that these ladders are the child,s home work.